8th Helsinki Summer Session: US and the Evolving International Order:

2.9.2021 16:30 - 17:45

2nd of September 2021, at 16.30-17.45 (EEST)

The United States and the international order it has traditionally propped up have faced tumultuous times in recent years. The Covid-19 pandemic is still causing disruptions around the world and the climate crisis is driving ever more destructive extreme weather events. The US, until recently the order’s putative leader, continues to grapple with the aftershocks of the Trump presidency both internally and in its foreign policy. Meanwhile, great-power competition is heating up in various theatres from Europe to the Indo-Pacific, not to mention in different domains, whether cyber, maritime or aerial. Against this backdrop, the 8th Helsinki Summer Session explores the future of international order at a time when the United States is debating and reassessing the parameters of its global engagement. This year’s panels bring together experts from the United States, Europe and the Asia-Pacific to cover a wide range of themes, including transatlantic trade and security relations, the developing order in the Indo-Pacific, climate politics, as well as the role of the US in Nordic security.

Panel description: 

The United States and the five Nordic countries have significantly deepened security related cooperation during the past decade. This has occurred despite different historical relationships and formal affiliations. A driver for the increased cooperation has been the more conflictual security environment and an increase in overlapping security interests. Cooperation has covered military, economic, technological, diplomatic, and broader security and defense policy spheres, and it has been conducted in a wide range of formats from bi- to multilateral ones. What does the United States expect from its efforts in the Nordic-Arctic region and how do the Nordic countries see both their bilateral relationship with the United States and the broader role the US plays in the region? How might cooperation change in the future?

The recording of the webinar is available at FIIA’s youtube-channel:



Curtis Scaparrotti
former SACEUR General
Pia Hansson
Director, the Institute of International Affairs, Iceland
Janne Haaland Matlary
Professor, University of Oslo
Pete Piirainen
Pete Piirainen
Visiting Senior Fellow, FIIA
Robert Dalsjö
Research Director, FOI


Charly Salonius-Pasternak
Leading researcher


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