Japan’s Grand Strategy: Hugging and Hedging

Seminar Hall Arkadiankatu 23, entrance H (inner courtyard), Helsinki
8.10.2018 14:00 - 16:00

For the past 70 years, the U.S. government has assumed that Japan’s security policies would reinforce American interests in Asia. The political and military profile of Asia is changing rapidly, however. North Korea’s missile and nuclear programs, China’s rise, and the relative decline of U.S. power have commanded strategic review in Tokyo just as they have in Washington. What is the next step for Japan’s security policy? Will confluence with U.S. interests– and the alliance– survive intact, or will it be transformed? Will Japan become more autonomous? Professor Samuels will explore how changes in the regional security environment have intersected with changes in domestic Japanese politics to shape Japan’s grand strategic choices.


Richard Samuels
Ford International Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)


Bart Gaens
Senior Research Fellow, Finnish Institute of International Affairs
Elina Sinkkonen
Senior Research Fellow, Finnish Institute of International Affairs


Mika Aaltola


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