Four fighter jets in the sky.

Militarism, Gender and War in the Nordics

1.2.2024 13:00 - 16:00

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While the reinforcement of traditional security thinking due to Russian aggression and the current war in Europe have intensified militarization in the Nordic countries and beyond, critical perspectives have become almost taboo. Consequently, gender equality is no longer a foreign policy priority in the Nordic region, whereas issues of “hard security” now dominate foreign policy debates and discussions.

This seminar focuses on militarism from Feminist perspectives, with special emphasis on militarization of the Nordics. It is part of a workshop series of the FemWars community, which brings together researchers, practitioners and activists who share the belief that war is a Feminist issue. It is funded by the Joint Committee for Nordic Research Councils for the Humanities and the Social Sciences as well as the Foundation for Foreign Policy Research. 


Opening words:
Noora Kotilainen ,  Senior Research Fellow, University of Helsinki; Non-resident fellow, FIIA
Leena Vastapuu, Assistant Professor & Associate Senior Lecturer, Swedish Defense University

Cynthia Enloe , Research Professor, The Department of Sustainability and Social Justice at Clark University, Massachusetts
Women’s Wars are Not Men’s Wars: Does This Mean Women Are Harder to Militarise ?”


14:30–15:00    Coffee break

Roundtable discussion: “Militarization starts during peacetime: Feminist perspectives on militarization of the Nordics”

Elin Berg, Doctoral Researcher in War Studies, Swedish Defense University
Zahra Edalati, PhD Researcher, Tampere Peace Research Institute, Tampere University
Laura Junka-Aikio, Professor of Northern Politics and Government, University of Lapland
Silja Bára Ómarsdóttir , Professor of International Affairs , University of Iceland

Annick Wibben , Anna Lindh Professor, Swedish Defense University                         

Closing remarks & wrap up :
Annick Wibben , Anna Lindh Professor, Swedish Defense University


Noora Kotilainen
Senior Research Fellow, University of Helsinki; Non-resident fellow, FIIA
Leena Vastapuu
Assistant Professor & Associate Senior Lecturer, Swedish Defence University
Cynthia Enloe
Research Professor, The Department of Sustainability and Social Justice at Clark University, Massachusetts
Elin Berg
Doctoral Researcher in War Studies, Swedish Defense University
Zahra Edalati
PhD Researcher, Tampere Peace Research Institute, Tampere University
Laura Junka-Aikio
Professor of Northern Politics and Government, University of Lapland
Silja Bára Ómarsdóttir
Professor of International Affairs, University of Iceland
Annick Wibben
Anna Lindh Professor, Swedish Defence University

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