Reflections on Afghanistan and US civil-military relations:

14.10.2021 16:30 - 17:30

The US withdrawal from Afghanistan and actions taken by a top military official to deescalate tensions with China in the final months of the Trump administration have renewed attention to the complex relationship between US civilian and military authorities. These incidents took place in a broader context wherein, according to some observers, the fundamental principle, embedded in the US Constitution, of civilian control over the military “has been quietly but steadily degraded” in recent decades. Additionally, there has been discussion of the politization of the US military by the former President and a rise of incidents of extremist and white supremacy views within the military ranks. This episode of Transatlantic Currents will discuss how the US experience in Afghanistan and other, more domestic-related events have affected civil-military relations; and possible avenues for institutional reforms and/or strengthening cultural norms to ensure a nonpartisan military.

The recording of the webinar is available at FIIA’s youtube-channel:


Charly Salonius-Pasternak
Leading Researcher, FIIA
David Barno
Visiting Professor of Strategic Studies, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS)
Leo Michel
Non-Resident Fellow, FIIA

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