Twenty-five years of EU membership: Reinforcing Finnish security

22.10.2020 10:00 - 12:15

Recording of the webinar:

Finland’s EU membership in 1995 led to a profound change in the country’s foreign policy – a full economic and political alignment with the EU. Although Finland adhered to military non-alignment, security was one of the key drivers of the membership. Recently, the deterioration of the European security environment as well as the more competitive global milieu marked with great power rivalry have yet again highlighted the importance of the EU for Finland. What have been the key changes and trends in Finnish foreign policy during the EU membership? How do these compare with Austrian and Swedish foreign policy developments? What will be the key trends shaping the next 25 years of these countries’ EU membership?

This seminar will mark the 25th anniversary of Finland’s EU membership, and the publication of a FIIA Finnish Foreign Policy Paper focusing on change and continuity in Finland’s foreign policy. The seminar is organised in cooperation with the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland.

Registration to Maija Salonen ( by Tuesday 20 October.


10.00-11.00 Session I
Opening words:
Matti Anttonen, Permanent State Secretary, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
Introduction of paper: “Finnish foreign policy during EU membership: Unlocking the EU’s security potential”
Matti Pesu, Senior Research Fellow, FIIA
Tuomas Iso-Markku, Research Fellow, FIIA
Gunilla Herolf, Senior Associate Research Fellow, Swedish Institute of International Affairs
Maximilian Hennig, Austrian Ambassador to Finland
Juha Jokela, Programme Director, FIIA

11.00-11.15 Break

11.15-12.15 Session II
Panel discussion: “The next 25 years: Changing world and Europe”
Keynote address:
Jyrki Katainen, President of Sitra
Paul Schmidt, General Secretary, Austrian Society for European Politics
Hanna Ojanen, Docent, Finnish National Defence University and University of Helsinki
Mika Kukkonen, Director, Unit for General EU Affairs and Coordination, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
Closing Remarks:
Mika Aaltola, Director, FIIA


Matti Anttonen
Permanent State Secretary, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
Matti Pesu
Senior Research Fellow, FIIA
Tuomas Iso-Markku
Research Fellow, FIIA
Gunilla Herolf
Senior Associate Research Fellow, Swedish Institute of International Affairs
Maximilian Hennig
Austrian Ambassador to Finland
Juha Jokela
Programme Director, FIIA
Jyrki Katainen
President of Sitra
Paul Schmidt
General Secretary, Austrian Society for European Politics
Hanna Ojanen
Docent, Finnish National Defence University and University of Helsinki
Mika Kukkonen
Director, Unit for General EU Affairs and Coordination, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
Mika Aaltola
Director, FIIA


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