Opening words:
Paavo Lipponen, Former Prime Minister of Finland
Hiski Haukkala, Researcher, Finnish Institute for International Affairs
Paavo Lipponen, Former Prime Minister of Finland
HE Vladimir Chizhov, Head of the Mission of the Russian Federation to the EU
Dov Lynch, Senior Political Advisor to the Secretary General of the OSCE
Gunnar Wiegand, Director Eastern Europe, South Caucasus & Central Asian
republics, DG RELEX, European Commission (tbc)
Urszula Gacek, Member of the European Parliament (tbc)
Carl Hallergard, Member of the Private Office of the Secretary-General and High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy, Council of Europe
Antonio Missiroli, Director of Studies, European Policy Centre & Eero Vuohula, Adviser, Finnish Institute of International Affairs
The event is organised in cooperation with European Policy Center
Report of the seminar by the European Policy Centre:
Report at the EPC website
Hiski Haukkala’s presentation was based on a Briefing Paper published by the Finnish Institute of International Affairs