US Midterm Election Results: a Brake on Polarization — or an Accelerator?

Seminar Hall, Arkadiankatu 23, entrance H (inner courtyard), Helsinki
7.11.2018 09:30 - 11:30

U.S. elections have domestic and global repercussions, and the midterm elections of 2018 are set to continue the trend. If the Democratic party takes control of the House of Representatives, President Trump’s ability to drive actual domestic policy changes will diminish. Will it, however, only increase the rhetorical polarization of the country? Presidents suffering a midterm loss have frequently focused their efforts on foreign policy, will Trump do so, and where? Will Trump seek to raise the stakes in the bubbling trade war with China? Can European and Middle Eastern leaders benefit from the results of the midterms? Often seen as referenda on the president, the 2018 midterms are, more than usually, a referendum on the (style) of the United States president – will a severe loss infuriate and isolate Trump or fire up his core supporters?


Leo Michel
Visiting Senior Fellow, Finnish Institute of International Affairs
S.M. Amadae
University Lecturer, University of Helsinki
Charly Salonius-Pasternak
Senior Research Fellow, Finnish Institute of International Affairs


A portrait of Ville Sinkkonen with a neutral expression, wearing a dark navy suit, a light blue button-up with a silvergrey tie. He is standing slightly sideways to the camera.
Ville Sinkkonen
Senior Research Fellow


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