Tuomas Iso-Markku

Senior Research Fellow
  • EU’s role in security and defence matters
  • European defence cooperation
  • EU-NATO relations
  • German domestic politics, foreign and EU policy
  • Finnish EU policy
  • Finnish foreign, security and defence policy
  • European party politics

Tuomas Iso-Markku is a Senior Research Fellow in the European Union and Strategic Competition research programme at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA). His research deals with the EU’s role in security and defence matters, European defence cooperation, EU-NATO relations, German domestic politics, German foreign and EU policy, Finnish EU policy, Finnish foreign, security and defence policy as well as European party politics.

Iso-Markku’s publications encompass both policy-oriented and academic contributions, including several research reports prepared for the Finnish government as well as articles in top-ranked international academic journals such as German Politics and International Affairs. In addition to FIIA, his research has been published by several other European research institutes and think tanks.

Prior to joining FIIA in 2013, Iso-Markku studied and worked in Germany, completing a master’s degree at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder), Germany, and the Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań, Poland. Iso-Markku is part of the pan-European Associate Researcher network of the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR).


M.A. (European studies), Europa-Universität Viadrina, 2010
Magister (Political studies), Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2010
BSc, University of Turku, 2006

Language skills
Finnish, English, German, Spanish (working languages), Swedish (receptive skills)
Work experience

Visiting Researcher, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, German Institute for International and Security Affairs, 2011-2012
Research Assistant, Frankfurt Institute for Transformation Studies, 2010-2011


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