  • China’s global economics
  • China’s Arctic politics and practise
  • China-dependencies and China’s investments in Finland and Sweden
  • Participatory methods in futurology
  • Scenario building

Liisa Kauppila is a Research Fellow at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs and a visiting researcher in the Arctic International Relations Project at the University of Lapland Arctic Centre. She is finalizing her PhD at the Centre for East Asian Studies at the University of Turku. Kauppila’s expertise lies in China’s global economics and action especially in the Nordics and the Arctic, in addition to the consequences of China’s economic policy on Finland’s security of supply. Her expertise also includes futurological and forecast methods as well as the methodological synthesis of futurology and art.

Currently, the focus of Kauppila’s research is great power politics via technology standards and its impact on Finland, the utilization of dystopia and comics in inclusive futurology, and China’s economic policy in the Arctic. The first and the second of the themes are related to the externally funded research project StandardEdge.

Kauppila’s peer-reviewed articles, chapters, and reports have been published by the Polar Journal, Arctic Yearbook, and publication series of various institutions for example. She has also been responsible for executing five extensive stakeholder training courses (Delfoi) in academic, business, and governmental projects. The latest projects revolve around Finnish and Swedish pre-emptive action in a world of great power politics and advancing climate responsibility globally.


List of publications (pdf)


Master of Social Science, East Asian Studies, University of Turku, 2013

Master of Arts, Futures Studies, Turku School of Economics, 2018

Language skills
Finnish, English, Swedish, Chinese (working skills), Japanese, German
Work experience

Visiting Researcher, Climate Responsibility project, University of Lapland, 2023–2024

Senior Researcher, ForAc project, University of Turku, 2021–2023

Visiting Researcher, Nationellt kunskapscentrum om Kina, 2022

Visiting Researcher, Fudan University, 2018

Visiting Researcher, China Ocean University, 2017

Visiting Researcher, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 2016

Huayu Enrichment scholarship, National Taiwan Normal University, 2015

Doctoral Researcher, University of Turku Centre for East Asian Studies, funded by the university and several foundations, autumn 2015–

Academic awards

Promising China Reseacher, Finland-China Culture Gala, 2017


Master of Social Science, East Asian studies, University of Turku, 2021

Master of Arts, Futurology, Turku School of Economics, 2018

All publications
