
Covid-19 and the future of our world order – FIIA can offer expertise

14 May 2020

Since late 2019, the world has been looking for the most efficient policies to respond to the challenge of Covid-19. The pandemic now at hand poses a challenge to the existing domestic orders, as well as the international health governance and the way our circulation-based world order functions.

Many of the researchers at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs have expertise on matters related to Covid-19 and its implications for international relations. You can turn to the following experts:

Director Mika Aaltola (History of pandemic encounters, pandemic security, politicization and pandemics)
+358 9 432 7701
Twitter: @MikaAaltola
Languages: Finnish, English


Senior Research Fellow Saila Heinikoski (EU border policy, internal and external borders)
+358 9 432 7757
Twitter: @HeinikoskiSaila
Languages: Finnish, Swedish, English


Senior Research Fellow Charly Salonius-Pasternak (Comprehensive security, Finnish politics)
+358 40 754 0151 (including Whatsapp)
Twitter: @charlyjsp
Languages: Finnish, Swedish, English


Visiting Senior Fellow Emma Hakala (Links between Covid-19 and climate politics/security)
+358 9 432 7745
Twitter: @ezhakala
Languages: Finnish, Swedish, English


Programme Director Juha Jokela (EU and Covid-19)
+358 9 432 7730
Twitter: @juhajokela1
Languages: Finnish, English


Programme Director Mikael Wigell (Covid-19’s impact on international relations, great power politics, global economic governance)
+358 40 583 1371
Twitter: @MWigell
Languages: English, Finnish, Swedish, Spanish


Research Fellow Kristiina Silvan (Covid-19 in Central Asia)
+358 40 503 1456
Twitter: @KristiinaSilvan
Languages: Finnish, English


Junior Research Fellow Mariette Hägglund (Iranian politics and Covid-19)
+338 50 567 4832
Twitter: @MarietteHagglun
Languages: Finnish, Swedish, English


Leading Researcher Antto Vihma (Covid-19 and climate change policy)
+358 50 372 4568
Twitter: @anttovihma
Languages: Finnish, English


Senior Research Fellow Marco Siddi (Italian politics and Covid-19)
+358 50 383 5368
Twitter: @MarcoSiddi
Languages: English, Italian


Leading Researcher Harri Mikkola (Covid-19 and security of supply)
+358 50 574 0432
Languages: Finnish, English



Leading Researcher Niklas Helwig (German politics and Covid-19)
+358 9 432 7746
Twitter: @nhelwig
Languages: English, German


Recommended reading

All FIIA research on Covid-19 available here.

FIIA has also published on, for instance, the geopolitics of flows as well as societal resilience.

In English:

FIIA Report 40 (2014): Towards the Geopolitics of Flows: Implications for Finland
Geopolitics is defined by the strengthening force of stable and secure global flows of goods, resources, finance, people and information. These flows rely on and use the common domains of the high seas, airspace, space and cyberspace. The report highlights the geopolitics of global flows and global commons, and analyzes the implications of this geopolitical transformation to Finland. It concludes with an analysis on the possibilities of Finnish national preparedness planning in the world of global flows.

In Finnish:

FIIA-raportti (2019): Kokonaisresilienssi ja turvallisuus: tasot, prosessit ja arviointi
FIIA-raportti 61 (2019): Suomen huoltovarmuus ja Baltian alue: Tiivistyvät yhteydet muuttuvassa turvallisuusympäristössä
FIIA-raportti 49 (2016): Huoltovarmuus muutoksessa: Kansallisen varautumisen haasteet kansainvälisessä toimintaympäristössä

Director Mika Aaltola has also published on the politics of pandemics:

Aaltola, Mika (2015). Pandemics as staging grounds for resilient world order: SARS, avian flu, and the evolving forms of secure political solidarity. In Thierry Balzacq ed(s): Contesting security: strategies and logics. London: Routledge. 205-218.
Aaltola, Mika (2012). Avian flu and embodied global imagery: A study of pandemic geopolitics in the media. Globalizations, 9 (5):667-680.
Aaltola, Mika (2012). Understanding the politics of pandemic scares: An introduction to global politosomatics. London: Routledge.
Aaltola, Mika (2012). Contagious Insecurity: War, SARS and Global Air Mobility. Contemporary Politics. 18, 1: 53-70.

Last updated 14 May 2020.
