
Re-energising Europe: A package deal for the EU27

18 December 2017

Third New Pact for Europe “Re-energising Europe: A package deal for the EU27” has been published. According to one of the key findings of the report, EU countries have varying geopolitical priorities and threat perceptions but they have shown they can work together on defence by maintaining a common front towards Russia on Ukraine and developing a common approach to crisis management and capacity building in the Sahel. The EU27 can do more together to protect EU citizens.

The report is a reflection of more than 120 national and transnational debates across 17 EU member states since 2013. The report was published by King Baudouin Foundation, Bertelsmann Stiftung, Open Society Initiative for Europe and European Policy Centre. The Finnish Institute of International Affairs acted as a national partner in preparing the report.

The report can be downloaded hereavautuu uuteen ikkunaan 

Executive summary in Finnishavautuu uuteen ikkunaan

More information on the report (New Pact for Europe’s webpage).avautuu uuteen ikkunaan
