
FIIA’s new research center focuses on global orders and China

14 December 2022

FIIA launches a new research center focused on global orders and China in the beginning of 2023.

The Center on Global Orders and China (CORD) is built around a core of expertise on issues of international relations and international political economy pertaining to China’s strengthened role in international affairs.

CORD conducts in-depth academic research on how China’s expanding international role impacts issues of global order in multiple policy areas, notably in global economic governance and global security. It also studies the domestic drivers of China’s foreign policy.

CORD produces policy-relevant information on China, based on rigorous and critical research.

CORD is led by Research Professor Mikael Mattlin. The CORD team consists of Leading Researcher Bart Gaens, Senior Research Fellow Elina Sinkkonen, Senior Research Fellow Jyrki Kallio, and expert Anu Ruokamo.

For further information:

Research Professor Mikael Mattlin
09 432 7755

Mikael Mattlin
Research Professor
Bart Gaens
Senior Research Fellow
Elina Sinkkonen
Senior Research Fellow
Jyrki Kallio
Senior Research Fellow
Anu Ruokamo
Senior Specialist