FIIA’s Acting Director Samu Paukkunen will take a one-year leave of absence beginning of December 2023. Mr. Paukkunen will take up a new post at the NATO International Secretariat in Brussels as Head of Climate and Energy Security Section, Emerging Security Challenges Division.
The leave of absence for Samu Paukkunen has been granted by the Board of FIIA FIIA Board. The Deputy Director’s replacement will be arranged through internal replacement arrangements within FIIA. At its meeting on 27 October 2023 The Board of FIIA elected Doctor of Social Sciences, Docent Mikael Mattlin to deputize Paukkunen as Acting Director.
Further information:
Samu Paukkunen
Acting Director
Tel. 050 595 8033
Mikael Mattlin
Research Professor
Tel. 09 4327755