Finnish Institute of International Affairs
The Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA) is an independent research institute affiliated with the Parliament of Finland. FIIA studies Finnish foreign policy, international politics, global economic relations and the European Union.
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FIIA FORUM 2025: The key challenges and direction of Finnish foreign and security policy

Helsinki Security Forum
The Helsinki Security Forum (HSF) is an annual international security conference organised by FIIA. It gathers dozens of foreign and security policy experts, decision-makers and influencers from all around the world to discuss the most pressing security questions. HSF focuses especially on topics that are important to Finland and northern Europe, such as transatlantic relations, the EU’s security policy and the security threat posed by Russia. The theme of the conference changes each year. The fourth HSF will be organised in the autumn of 2025.

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Finnish Journal of Foreign Affairs
FIIA published The Finnish Journal of Foreign Affairs (Ulkopolitiikka), an independent online magazine covering international politics and economy in Finnish. Ulkopolitiikka archive is available to read for free.
Kiitos kuluneista vuosista, Ulkopolitiikka

Ulkopoliittinen instituutti jatkaa aktiivista osallistumista suomalaiseen julkiseen keskusteluun. Alati monitahoisemmin solmuun menevä maailmamme takaa sen, että ajantasaisen ja kansantajuisen tiedon, analyysin ja kommentaarin tarve on kasvussa.