Flags in the sky.

Global Security and Governance

The Global Security and Governance research programme focuses on the evolving nature of international economic and political relations in a situation where great powers, regional power politics and connectivity are strengthening.
Katja Creutz. Red scarf, black shirt, brown hair, big glasses,
Katja Creutz
Acting Deputy Director, Programme Director
Michael Mehling
Non-Resident Fellow
Liisa Kauppila
Research Fellow
Picture of Tomi Kristeri, a slight smile on his face, glasses, dark brown hair, light grey shirt with a dark tie and a vest on top.
Tomi Kristeri
Research Assistant
Picture of Karoliina Hurri smiling. She has blonde hair and she is wearing a blue shirt.
Karoliina Hurri
Postdoctoral Fellow
Dhanasree Jayaram
Non-Resident Fellow
Helmi Räisänen, long blonde hair, big glasses, white shirt, smiling.
Helmi Räisänen
Postdoctoral Fellow
Portrait of Mohammed Hadi with a slight smile, wearing a navy suit jacket, a white dress shirt with the top button undone, and a breast pocket handkerchief. He is positioned slightly sideways to the camera.
Mohammed Hadi
Research Fellow
Mikael Mattlin
Research Professor
Edward Hunter Christie
Senior Research Fellow
Markus Holmgren
Research Fellow
Timo Behr
Non-Resident Fellow
Eoin McNamara looking at the camera. He has short and curly dark hair. He is wearing a white shirt with a red tie and a black suit.
Eoin Micheál McNamara
Research Fellow
Lauri Tähtinen
Non-Resident Fellow
Maria Lindén (née Annala)
Research Fellow
Deborah McCarthy
Non-Resident Fellow
Emma Hakala
Leading Researcher
Leo Michel
Non-Resident Fellow
Olli Ruohomäki. Black suit, red tie. Glasses, short hair.
Olli Ruohomäki
Non-Resident Senior Fellow
Antto Vihma
Research Professor
Elina Sinkkonen
Senior Research Fellow
Charly Salonius-Pasternak
Leading researcher
Jyrki Kallio
Senior Research Fellow
Bart Gaens
Senior Research Fellow
A portrait of Ville Sinkkonen with a neutral expression, wearing a dark navy suit, a light blue button-up with a silvergrey tie. He is standing slightly sideways to the camera.
Ville Sinkkonen
Senior Research Fellow

The Global Security and Governance research programme focuses on the evolving nature of international economic and political. The Programme Director is Katja Creutz.

The main research themes are

  • Systemic level of world politics
  • Strategic competition for global leadership
  • Geopolitics and geoeconomics
  • Challenges of global governance, especially in a changing global order and regarding climate change

The systemic level of world politics, means of exercising power, the multiplication and diversification of actors, and intensifying power politics are emphasized in the programme. The competition for global leadership via geoeconomics and technology is a key research theme.

Research on geopolitics and geoeconomics in the programme addresses the need to understand the competition between the US and China in particular, including its causes and consequences. The programme also researches significant questions related to Africa, India and South America. These include the impact of population growth on regional stability and changes in great power relations.

The programme focuses on global governance research in a situation where many institutions must respond to a decline in multilateralism. Simultaneously, climate change causes crises and conflicts, and poses a geopolitical challenge.

The programme includes the following components: The Center on US Politics and Power (CUSPP) and The Center on Global Orders and China (CORD)

Ongoing projects

Geoeconomic risks and their impact on the security of supply of Finland and the European Union

The research project “Geoeconomic risks and their impact on the security of supply of Finland and the European Union” explores the process ...
Digital earth 5G AI technology

China’s disruptive technologies and international security

The research project “China’s disruptive technologies and international security” explores China’s technological and ...
A series of stock market numbers and trends overlaid with chess pieces, symbolizing the strategic nature of financial markets.

Power politics by economic means: The geoeconomics research initiative

The ‘Power politics by economic means: The geoeconomics research initiative’ (GERI) project develops a pioneering approach to ...

Technical standards as critical intangible capital for Finnish companies in an era of strategic competition

The research project “Technical Standards as Critical Intangible Capital for Finnish Companies in an Era of Strategic Competition” ...
A large cargo ship with colorful containers sailing on a calm sea under a pink and orange sky.

Climate change and Finland’s security of supply

FIIA research project Climate change and Finland’s security of supply studies how climate change and its mitigation affect Finland’s ...

Reignite Multilateralism via Technology

The Finnish Institute of International Affairs is a partner in a research consortium REMIT – Reignite Multilateralism via Technology led ...

Event recordings

FIIA Publications

External publications
